Becoming a member

To become a member of the Executive, please email or contact a member of the Executive.

To become a member of the Association and have the right to vote for officers and other motions, please complete the Membership form below for the 2024-2026 period and email it to us. A $40 membership fee, per household, is required for the two year period and can be made by e-transfer.

Payment can also be made in person:

Mark Vuotari
3834 Autumnwood St

Christine Guptill
3829 Autumnwood Street

Meetings are held monthly from September-June. Currently, we meet by Zoom. Often, our city Councillor or police representatives are invited to discuss issues that may be brought forward by the community.

Membership form

Our email address is

Your community Association, providing local community information, recreation and a strong voice in municipal issues.